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It’s one thing helping to find you the right mortgage and supporting you with buying your property, but we also want to ensure you’re able to keep that home, whatever happens.

It’s something no-one wants to think about, but should you suffer a loss of income through illness, disability, or, worst case scenario, the death of a partner, you need to be protected. Making sure you have mortgage protection cover in place is paramount in our mortgage planning process, making sure you’re are covered in the event of the unexpected.

Insurance planning is also integral to what we do, protecting you and those who financially depend on you.

Taking the time to understand and assess your needs and alleviating the burden in having to deal with difficult issues, we can look at various types of protection and insurance policies for you. 

We can help with:


  • Life assurance (life insurance) – This will pay your dependants a lump sum if you die unexpectedly. If you have a partner or children, life insurance can provide you with the reassurance they will be able to cope financially without you.
  • Family income benefit insurance – This is a special type of life insurance policy where your dependants receive regular payments for a set period instead of a lump sum they can use as they wish in the event of your death.
  • Income protection – This provides a vital financial lifeline if you have an illness or injury which stops you working or sees your income drop, putting significant strain on your family. This is particularly relevant for the self-employed, who wouldn’t get sick pay.You can get short-term income protection insurance too, which will pay out a monthly sum for a set period of time if you lose your income due to illness, injury or redundancy.
  • Critical illness cover – No-one wants to contemplate the prospect of having a life-changing condition. But should this happen, critical illness cover will ensure you and your loved ones are financially protected.
  • Mortgage payment protection – This type of payment protection insurance will support you if illness or redundancy means you can’t meet regular debt payments. 


  • Buildings insurance – If you own your own home, you’ll need to have buildings cover in case your home is damaged and needs repairs. It’s usually a condition of your mortgage and, if you’re a landlord, it’s your responsibility – not your tenants.
  • Contents insurance – While buildings insurance covers your permanent fixtures and fittings, contents insurance covers what you keep in your home, from furniture and carpets to TVs, computers, and personal belongings. You can buy both types of insurance separately or, in many cases, you can get them as a joint policy from the same insurance company.