Can You Get a Mortgage if you Have Defaulted in the Past?

Can You Get a Mortgage if you Have Defaulted in the Past? If you have defaulted on a payment in the past, then you may be concerned as to whether or not you can get a mortgage. At the end of the day, if you have defaulted, then your mortgage chances will take a hit. […]

Can you Still get a Mortgage if you’re on a Debt Management Plan?

Can you Still get a Mortgage if you’re on a Debt Management Plan? A debt management plan, or DMP is essentially an agreement that has been made between you and a creditor, to clear the debt that you owe. Most of the time, this type of plan is implemented when you have debt problems but […]

Can you Use a Bridging Loan to Purchase a New Property?

Can you Use a Bridging Loan to Purchase a New Property? If you have never heard of a bridging loan, then you should know that it is a short-term borrow that essentially bridges the gap financially until your house sale goes through. They are most useful if you want to buy a property at auction […]

Should you Remortgage your Home? What are the Benefits

Should you Remortgage your Home? What are the Benefits Remortgaging is when you make the decision to take out a new mortgage on a property that you own already. It may be that you choose to replace the mortgage that you have now, or that you choose to borrow money against another property. Around one-third […]

Should you Think about Releasing Equity from your Home? Find Out Here

Should you Think about Releasing Equity from your Home? Find Out Here If you were to release equity from your home, then you would do so while you are still living there. You can only release equity from your property if you are over the age of 55 and own your own home but are […]

Right to Buy – Tendring Area

Right to Buy – Tendring Area The Right to Buy scheme will give council house tenants who are financially secure, the opportunity to buy the home that they are living in, at a discount. So how do you know if you are eligible? You could be eligible if you are a council tenant, or if […]

Everything you Need to Know about Mortgage Broker Fees

Everything you Need to Know about Mortgage Broker Fees If you want to find out more about mortgage broker fees, then you have come to the right place. A broker fee is charged by a mortgage broker to execute a transaction or to provide a service. Brokers will charge a fee based on the pricing […]

The Self-Employed Tax Year Has Now Started

The Self-Employed Tax Year Has Now Started If you are self-employed, then you may be aware that the new tax year has started. If you are looking to file your return so that you can qualify for a mortgage, then you can do so, right now. You don’t need to wait until January, and by […]

Getting a Mortgage if you are on a Tier 2 Visa

Getting a Mortgage if you are on a Tier 2 Visa If you have come to the UK with the intention of taking up employment as a worker with skill, then you will be living here on a Tier 2 visa. If you have a long time left on your contract or if you have […]